Chat app Discord said on Thursday it will introduce new artificial intelligence features that can summarize long conversations or add decorations to a user’s avatar, the latest move among tech companies to build generative AI tools.
Generative AI, which has captured the attention of the tech industry, is a technology that can generate images, text or video in response to a prompt.
Startups like Open ..
Discord, which lets groups of users chat by text, video and voice, said it will revamp a bot called Clyde, who will now be powered by OpenAI technology. Discord users can invoke the AI-powered Clyde to answer trivia questions, help schedule meetings or recommend playlists, the company said.
Another AI feature will let users “remix” their friends’ avatars using generative image models. For instance, the feature could p ..
Discord to roll out AI-powered chatbot, messaging features
Chat app Discord said on Thursday it will introduce new artificial intelligence features that can summarize long conversations or add decorations to a user’s avatar, the latest move among tech companies to build generative AI tools.
Generative AI, which has captured the attention of the tech industry, is a technology that can generate images, text or video in response to a prompt.
Startups like Open ..
Discord, which lets groups of users chat by text, video and voice, said it will revamp a bot called Clyde, who will now be powered by OpenAI technology. Discord users can invoke the AI-powered Clyde to answer trivia questions, help schedule meetings or recommend playlists, the company said.
Another AI feature will let users “remix” their friends’ avatars using generative image models. For instance, the feature could p ..
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